Tag Archives: Kawachi Haruka

Natsuyuki Rendezvous Anime Confirmed

It’s already official–we’re getting a Natsuyuki Rendezvous anime in July.  I can’t decide what is more exciting:  that I get to watch this anime, that this means more people will read this outstanding manga, or that more people will discover Kawachi Haruka and subsequently fall madly in love with her work (don’t resist–it is inevitable).  I’ll have to settle for spazzing uncontrollably.

Rokka looks so cute! And all the colorful flowers are still there!

Natsuyuki Rendezvous Anime Rumors

I’m still alive, barely! I’m breaking my work-induced radio silence to point out an interesting development.  Various internet rumblings have revealed a suspicious domain name:  http://www.natsuyuki.tv/ which is registered to TOHO AD CO.,LTD.


There’s nothing more concrete than that at this point, but that means we might see a Natsuyuki Rendezvous anime.  Dammit, this better be true.  The final volume will be released in about a week–if it’s true, hopefully this will be confirmed then.  Maybe a nice obi announcement for us?  If I hear anything more substantial, I will likely post it since I’m such a hopeless Kawachi Haruka freak and this is one of my favorite manga ever.  Oh and I hate April Fools shit, so I won’t pull anything like that.


Natsuyuki Rendezvous by Kawachi Haruka

Natsuyuki Rendezvous

Where the lost linger.

Natsuyuki Rendezvous is one of my favorite manga.  It’s hard to describe why it is–there’s complicated and raw, yet subtle emotion in this title.  And it draws that out of me as well.  Manga doesn’t often gracefully deal with the idea of loss. Or finding love once again in a realistic way that is just as painful and scary as it is hopeful.  Your take on the manga will be colored by your own experiences–it’s a great story for adults with more than a few scars.

Hazuki is a 22 year old young man who experienced love at first sight.  He occasionally visits the woman’s flower shop to buy small potted plants and steal some glimpses.  When the shop posts an opening for a part-time position, Hazuki jumps at the opportunity and he now works close to the woman, Rokka. While running some work-related errands, Rokka innocently invites Hazuki to her apartment above the shop.  Initially a bit miffed at her nonchalance at inviting a man upstairs (mostly wondering if he even registers as one), Hazuki gets a big surprise.

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March/April 2011 Manga Recommendations

Monthly manga recommendation list time!  For supposedly being the answer to my limited time problem, this sure takes a lot of time to make!  Going over and revisiting titles can be time-consuming, but fun.  I guess 10 was an aggressive number to do every month, so for now this will be March/April. At least summer is around the corner and I’ll have less work obligations.  I have another theme post or two that I want to do and would rather focus on that, but I need to wait for my next manga order to really get started on it.

Al to Neri to Sono ShuuhenDoukyou Shichauzo!Otoko no Isshou

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Hatena no Hana by Kawachi Haruka

Hatena no Hana

What would you do if you discovered your spouse had a secret stash of S&M equipment?

So, what would you do?

  1. Run and call a divorce lawyer.
  2. Confront him angrily.
  3. Put it back and pretend you saw nothing.
  4. Suit up, grab the handcuffs, and pounce on him when he gets home.

What was the reaction of the heroine of Hatena no Hana?  Since it was written by the lovely Kawachi Haruka, you know it’s gold.

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December 2010 Manga Recommendations

I just can’t keep up with writing an entry for every great thing I want to mention.  My career keeps me very busy and it’s only going to get worse.  It’s frustrating.  Instead of letting everything die, I need a more sustainable approach.  So in addition to the occasional previews, I’m trying a new format:  a monthly (?) recommendation list.

Ten manga of varying vintage and demographics/genres will be picked.  The titles will likely range from obscure to moderately known.  Expect both raw and translated works.  Basically whatever catches my fancy.  At least one pick will be a title I want to write a full entry for, but may never get a chance to do so.  Others will be works that recently left a very positive impression on me.  Others will be older titles that I enjoy and think others should as well.

To keep it workable, I’ll only list a small amount of general info.  Genres/demographic will be specified, along with my own “important to me” manga types, and a few brief points for each title.  As usual, I’m opinionated as it keeps things interesting, so deal or leave~  If a title catches your eye, it’s up to you to seek it out!  Buying it is the most likely answer–radical idea, I know.

December Manga Recommendations:

Natsuyuki RendezvousKaizoku to NingyoBanana Fish

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Manga Snippets – 10/30/10

A short peek at two titles from my latest order of books.  The dark-haired guys always get me.

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